Survival & Austere Medicine

Survival & Austere Medicine


In 2017, the Remote, Austere, Wilderness & Third World Medicine discussion board moderators released their third edition of Survival and Austere Medicine.

We hope you will find it useful. It is offered in good faith but the content should be validated and confirmed from other sources before being relied on even in an emergency. It is a tool to help you with medical care in an austere or ‘grid-down’ environment.

We like to think we have written the original “Medicine at the End of the World” guide and its uniqueness in the current market place comes from our history and that it is the collaborative work of a group of experienced, medically-orientated preppers and survivalists. Between us, we have extensive experience in pre-hospital, austere, remote and third world medicine – both with the military and NGO’s.

We do this stuff – we understand the limits of the environment and the issues of supply and improvisation. We have trained lay people to do complex medical procedures and provide health care in their remote communities. We have undertaken community medical needs assessments and the delivery of health care after natural disasters. We have given anesthetics and done surgery in tents in the back of beyond. While the [stuff] hasn’t hit the fan in Western Countries yet, you don’t have to look far to find accurate analogies to likely Collapse Medicine and between us we have experience working in these locations and situations. This makes our book unique.

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